BBD TIO (Technical Interface Office) Guildelines
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Introduction |
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Under the terms of the Third Party Developer Sale & Development Agreement, and the TIO Guidelines, designs must be submitted to the TIO for approval. |
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TIO approval is granted where the designs are compliant with the Master Plan, Sale and Development Agreement requirements. |
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Design Phase (Review fees applicable as per communication through letter) |
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Reviews take place at the end of three design phases - Concept, Schematic and Detailed Design. |
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The TIO review of the designs will involve independent review consultants to assess and certify compliance of technical components of the application including (but not limited to) architectural design, electrical design, landscape design, water supply arrangements and traffic impact assessment. |
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The TIO's objective is to ensure that the designs remain complaint with the Master Plan, Sale & Development Agreement and Authority requirements throughout the design process, and can be endorsed for Building Permit approval by Bahrain Bay Development. |
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Approval Phase (Review fees applicable as per communication through letter) |
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The TIO review of the Building Permit application will involve independent review consultants to assess and certify compliance of technical components of the application including (but not limited to) architectural design, electrical design, landscape design, water supply arrangements and traffic impact assessment. |
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Building Permit Process: |
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Documentation Requirements: |
To enable the TIO to undertake the TIO certification of the Building Permit application, the TPD must submit a documentation package that complies with the content and format as required by the Municipal One Stop Shop. In addition to the required Municipality requirements, the TIO will need the following documents to form part of the permit package;
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Construction Phase |
Construction Activities - Overview: |
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Construction Phase requirements |
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Insurance: The TIO requires that all construction works are insured for Third Party Liability and the Contractors All Risk |
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Construction Management Plan: Each TPD must produce a Parcel Specific Construction Management Plan (CMP) that ultimately considers all construction works from site startup to completion. The issues that must be addressed within the CMP include (but not limited to):
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Protection of Infrastructure Works: The TPD is required to prevent damage to all infrastructure works, both within and external to Bahrain Bay Development. Wherever necessary or appropriate, the TPD must protect any such infrastructure that may be at risk from its activities.
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Survey and Setout Requirements: The TPD is fully responsible for site survey, setout and ensuring construction works are contained within the TPD legal boundaries. |
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Site (Ground) Investigation: Subject to TIO approval, TPDs may carry out Ground investigations, in advance of construction activities. |
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Hoarding and Project Sign Boards: Each TPD is required to provide hoarding around all TPD construction sites, laydown areas and site office compounds. This is to ensure a secure and safe construction site. Proposals for the exact layout of hoarding and ‘artwork’ for the hoardings and signboard is to be submitted to the TIO for approval at least two weeks before the hoardings are set up. |
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Licence to Undertake Works (LUW): All Works outside the parcel boundaries are subject to obtaining an LUW which will be issued by BBD upon request of the TPD but will be subject to no objections being obtained from other relevant parties. Conditions set on the LUW must be adhered to. |
* The TIO Guidelines may be updated from time to time by the TIO Office.
** All of the above must be endorsed by BBD TIO Office before the final approval by Bahrain Authorities.